Thursday, September 30, 2010


Here are some collages I've been doing. My process is like this: Make a drawing I hate, cut it up and make a collage that I hate, cut that up and have a finished collage (meaning some of these took a long time with fairly simple looking results). Some of them are images I printed from the internet onto computer paper and then painted on, others are just cut up segments of paintings. Yesterday I started messing around with Photoshopping as well. I hope to do more of these as starting points for bigger projects/paintings.

necco tower
digital print out, gouache, paper

bermuda house
gouache, paper

highway house
digital print out, gouache, paper

study for oil painting
digital print out (photo credit AD Jacobson), Photoshop, gouache

1 comment:

Sondria said...

These are incredibly COOL! Love the bush men and the highway house...something about using leaves to put on a show just meshes well with Fall for me. Can't wait to watch you explore more of these :) deuces!